In case the student’s loan info is unavailable in this 45 weeks of disbursement, you can even contact the new Guarantee Agency, Head Loan Maintenance Cardio or perhaps the student’s college
29. What’s Representative Supply Confirmation? NSLDS must protect the personally identifiable information (PII) in the database and this page allows NSLDS to detect automated users who attempt to access the system without authorization. A box will display with letters and numbers that may be slightly distorted. Follow the instructions and enter what you see in the blank box. Then, click Submit Response
thirty two. What happens if i are unable to understand what exactly is throughout the box? If you have difficulty viewing the current image, click the refresh button on your internet browser for a new image to display. If you hit enter without attempting to replicate what you see, it will count as an ”attempt” payday one arlington tx. You will have three attempts to enter the image correctly in order to gain access to the data in NSLDS.
33. What will happen easily used 3 x and were not successful? The User Access Verification tool, called CAPTCHA, will lock out a user that has failed to correctly enter the image displayed after 3 attempts. This prevents unauthorized users from gaining access to the personally identifiable information (PII) in NSLDS.